Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Web-Cannon Spider-Man

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Customer Buzz
By A. Kuehn (The Midwest United States)
Spiderman Classics Series 14 has got to be the best one since the series that featured Kraven and Daredevil. Every figure was a "must-have". I don't say this very often, but the accessory that comes with this figure helps make it a very good toy. Web Cannon Spiderman, as a whole, is a lot of fun. The figure by itself isn't enough to sell it. The sculpt is very good and the articulation is above average. I love the smaller eyes on Spidey's mask and the webs on his costume are nicely spaced instead of looking like a screen door. The waist and ankle joints started out kind of loose for us and I'm sure they'll only get worse as time goes on. All the other joints were nice and firm. He's not what I would call "superposeable", but he's not really supposed to be. That's where the accessory comes in-the Web Cannon. It rests on his shoulders and has 2 firing cannons. The cannon on his right shoulder is a rapid firing cannon. It fires five, separate missiles by turning the knob on the back clockwise. The faster you turn the knob, the faster the missiles fire out. The knob-turning is sometimes better than pushing a button. That way it doesn't accidentally fire when you bump the button or something. The cannon on the left has a "Y" shaped missile that is connected to the cannon by a string. Again, the missile is fired the same way as the first. The string can then be reeled in once it has been fired. It's designed to capture an enemy and pull them back to you by turning a smaller knob at the front of the cannon. The shape of the missile doesn't hold anything to well and the string is pretty short, so you'll have to use some imagination here. The nice thing about the missiles is that they can be shot from either cannon. They will fit in both. The whole Web Cannon accessory can fit on most other Spiderman Classics figures-not just the Spidey that comes in this package. And, if the string isn't long enough for you, you can cut it off and put a longer one on it. A note of caution though; the web missiles fire out with a fair amount of speed and force, so be sure to keep this toy away from a child who may injure their--or someone else's--eye. These figures are well stocked and inexpensive, so replacement will be easy. This figure plays and displays very well. What it doesn't have in articulation, it makes up for with its action accessory and unique appearance. This figure is great for any Spiderman/Marvel Legends fan. I highly recommend it.

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